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Available Inventory (Available QTY)The quantity of products that are available to order.
BackorderedAn order for a good or service that cannot be filled at the current time due to a lack of available supply.
Carrier CodeA code within an order which represents the manner in which the order should ship.
Commercial InvoiceThe documentation used by customs to assign taxes and fees to an international shipment.
Damaged ReturnsA return that was received in a condition which cannot be reshipped or put back into available inventory.
EAN (European Article Number)The standard product identifier used in Europe. It is a standardized barcode, also referred to as International Article Number.
FBAUSFulfillment by Amazon in the United States.
FBAINTILFulfillment by Amazon internationally.
FCLFull container load.
Floor StackedThe storing of pallets directly on the floor.
Freight ForwarderFacilitates, coordinates, and produces the outcome of international freight movement from point of origin to ultimate destination including export and import processes.
Fulfillment OrderA transaction that a client has submitted as a fulfillment order.
FTLFull trailer load.
Global Minimum Quantity ThresholdThe minimum quantity recognized as low stock.
GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)An identifier used to look up product information about a retailer, manufacturer, collector, researcher, or other entity.
Harmonized Tariff Code (HTS)A product classification code between 8-10 digits (10 in the U.S. administered by the U.S. International Trade Commission). The first six digits are an HS code, and the countries of import assign the subsequent digits to provide additional classification.
Hold for InstructionsHold order periods can be used to put a pause on an order for extra instructions. This avoids mistakes in delivery and packaging and ensures the best customer experience.
Hold for Client InstructionsHold order periods can be used when a client needs to add instructions for an order. This avoids mistakes in the warehouse, transit, and delivery.
Hold for LabelsHold order periods can be put in place for an order to receive the proper labels before it is shipped. This avoids mistakes in transit and delivery.
Hold Potential FraudHold order periods can be used to help detect fraud before you fulfill fraudulent orders. Hold orders long enough to allow payment companies and/or customers to identify and respond to fraudulent charges.
International/Commercial InvoiceA commercial invoice (AKA international invoice) is a legal document issued by the seller (exporter) to the buyer (importer) in an international transaction and serves as a contract and a proof of sale between the buyer and seller.
INVA non-document shipment where a paper invoice is required and all information is keyed (information will not be transmitted electronically).
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)A numeric commercial book identifier which is intended to be unique. An ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and variation of a publication.
Lot IDA lot number is combined with a serial number to form the identification number.
Lot No.An identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer.
LTL CarrierLess than truckload shipping carrier.
MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price)The price that a manufacturer recommends a product should be sold for at point of sale.
Order IDThe unique number associated with every order placed through a secure checkout. This is the number used to reference a specific purchase.
PalletizedTo place, stack, or transport (goods) on a pallet or pallets.
PendingShipment/order record saved to be processed later.
Physical Inventory (Physical QTY)Physical inventory is the quantity of products we have within the warehouse.
Purchase OrderA legally binding document created by a buyer and presented to a seller.
Reference IDA number established by or on behalf of the reporting corporation identified in Part I that is assigned to 25% foreign shareholders and/or related foreign parties with respect to which Form 5472 reporting is required.
ReturnThe transaction which represents the return of a parcel from a shipping carrier.
SerializedA process of tagging individual saleable units of inventory with unique identifiers that are assigned sequentially to each product.
Service LevelAn entity that is used to express the duration of transportation.
SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)An identifier that is used by merchants to permit the systematic tracking of products and services offered to customers.
SKU #The identifier for the Stock Keeping Unit.
Small Parcel CarriersShipping carriers for small parcels; FedEx, UPS, and USPS.
SPC (Statistical Process Control)A method of quality control.
Supply ReceiptA transaction which represents the receipt of goods from our client or our client’s supplier.
TicketA ticket (also known as an incident ticket or trouble ticket) is contained within GEM, the iPS issue tracking system, which contains information about client support needs or third parties on behalf of an end user who has reported an incident. The ticket will have a unique reference number, also known as a case, which is used to allow the user or support staff to quickly locate, add to or communicate the status of the user's issue or request.
TL (also called FTL)Full truckload shipments.
Tracking NumberThe number assigned by a carrier, at the point of shipment, to a shipped parcel.
Transaction DateA date upon which a trade takes place for a security or other financial instrument. Represents the time at which ownership officially transfers.
UID (Unique Identifier)A numeric or alphanumeric string associated with a single entity within a given system.
UPC (Universal Product Code)A type of code printed on retail product packaging to aid in identifying a particular item.
Vendor Product NumberA unique string used by vendors to identify a product.
Will CallThis is the carrier code used by a client when they want to pick up the order.
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